Navigation Systems
Service & Sales
" Anschütz is a both a leading manufacturer and an integrator of navigation, bridge, and mission systems for commercial and naval vessels, as well as an industrial partner in several national and international maritime research projects."
Highly accurate, safe and flexible manual
steering gear control systems, which can be configured according to any
customer requirement.
State-of-the-art network based radar transceivers and a new generation of a revolutionary navigational radar and chart radar software.
Intuitive, future-proof and very cost-effective ECDIS.
A state-of-the-art integrated naviga-
tion system (INS), combining all relevant navigation sensors and
systems in a modular, user-centered system for safer and more efficient
bridge operations.
Digitalized books with high data quality and global data access.
Via Terraglio 36/B
30174 Mestre-Venezia IT